📜 Description

<aside> 📌 Throughout the semester, this syllabus may be updated without any notice. The teacher and TA will do our best to inform you of important updates, but minor updates might not be always communicated explicitly. Thus, it is students' responsibility to regularly check any important changes such as due dates, requirements for assignments, etc.


You can visit this webpage by typing https://bit.ly/GEOG2157-2023spring

🧑🏻‍🏫 Teacher/TA

Teacher: Dr. Yongsung Lee

Office: Rm 10.35 JCT Centennial campus HKU

Office hours: by appointment

Email: [email protected]

TA: Mr. YAU, Leo

Office: General office of geography 10/F JCT Centennial campus HKU

Office hours: by appointment

Email: [email protected]

📚 Textbook

<aside> 📌 You should check your access to textbooks below. It is your responsibility to figure out how to access these textbooks (through the HKU library, the geography map library, or by purchasing a personal copy). Additional materials will be posted on Moodle throughout the semester.


Required Texts

📆 Schedule (subject to change)


💯 Breakdown

💡 Tutorials